Winning the energy lottery, Jevons Paradox, and the need for even more.

Every week, the massive jackpots of Mega Millions and Powerball captivate millions of hopeful players, including myself. The allure of striking it rich with a winning ticket is undeniable. But as a climate historian, I couldn’t help but draw a striking parallel between the lottery and our collective reliance on fossil fuels. In a sense, we have all won the […]

Farm to Table Isn’t New: It’s the Norm

I can’t remember where I heard this, but someone on social media awhile ago was complaining (shocker) about the “farm-to-table” movement. Specifically, an older individual aptly pointed out, “All our food was farm to table.” She was nonetheless 100% correct! Historical Roots of Farm-to-Table: Throughout history, communities thrived on local agriculture, fostering self-sufficiency and strong connections between producers and consumers. […]